2025 Off to A Flying Start!
We have only been back from our Festive break for two weeks and already we feel as if 2025 is heading towards an incredibly exciting year!
Our appointments for the last two Saturdays have been Fully Booked and this Saturday is too.
We are meeting dozens of exceptionally positive new clients and potential new clients. Each with their own individual and exciting wedding plans for 2025!
The only negative so far is trying to fit in so many appointments!
Please book your appointments as soon as possible, as I am sure we will be running out of some of our most popular products very soon.
In fact for some very busy weekends, we have already started to limit certain popular suits.
It is always a pleasure to be in demand, however we do not want any of our incredible clients to miss out on what they really want for their wedding. So please try to book as far in advance as possible.
You can book your appointment by calling the shop on tel: 01708226255
Thank You
Kind Regards

Green Wedding Suit Hire for 2025